Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Best Walking Shoes

Use these tips to find the best walking shoes to fit your feet, Say bye bye to blisters and uncomfortable shoes.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The health reform law requires that certain preventive services be covered without copays, coinsurance or deductibles.

A non-grandfathered group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage must provide coverage for preventive care without any cost-sharing requirements. Please read the new guidelines that expand coverage for women's preventive health.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cut Your Risk of Tumors: Pick Raspberries Instead of Strawberries.

Raspberries possess almost 50 percent higher antioxidant activity than strawberries, according to research published in the journal BioFactors. Most come from ellagic acid, a compound that helps cells neutralize free radicals, thus reducing your cancer risk and prohibiting the growth of tumors. Plus, one cup of raspberries provides 8 grams of dietary fiber, making them one of the highest-fiber foods out there. Studies show that high-fiber diets can reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Buy a few pints when they’re in season and freeze what you don’t eat in an airtight container. Studies show that freezing won’t diminish their antioxidant levels.

Serve it up: Eat one cup of raspberries 3-4 times a week by blending berries into smoothies, swirling into frozen yogurt, or adding to cereal.

By: Nicole Yorio Jurick

Read More http://www.ivillage.com/protect-your-heart-and-your-figure-snack-pistachios-not-pretzels/4-b-396477#ixzz1d9MTRDyQ

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

To Fight Cancer and Diabetes: Pour Real Maple Syrup instead of the "Fake Stuff"

Sorry Aunt Jemima. Pure maple syrup has you beat. Unlike imitation syrups that usually include a long list of ingredients (starting with high fructose corn syrup), the real stuff contains only one ingredient: pure maple syrup. It also comes with a long list of health benefits. University of Rhode Island researchers found more than 20 antioxidant compounds in pure maple syrup that have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties. Sweet!

Serve it up: Twice a week, pour ¼ cup of maple syrup onto whole-wheat pancakes, or 2 tablespoons of syrup and a handful of walnuts into oatmeal.
By: Nicole Yorio Jurick

Read More http://www.ivillage.com/protect-your-heart-and-your-figure-snack-pistachios-not-pretzels/4-b-396477#ixzz1d9MTRDyQ 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Reduce Your Lung Cancer by Picking Red Peppers over Yellow or Green

Reach for peppers with a rosy hue: “Red peppers have three times more fiber and eight times more vitamin A than yellow peppers, plus 60 percent more vitamin C than green ones,” says Tonia Reinhard, program director of the Department of Dietetics at Wayne State University in Detroit and author of Superfoods. And unlike the other varieties, red peppers contain the cartenoid beta-cryptoxanthin: People who eat a diet rich in cryptoxanthin-containing foods have a 27 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer, according to a study published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention.

Serve it up: Aim for four servings a week. Slice one red pepper and dip into hummus, or roast and add to sandwiches, pasta dishes, salads or pizza.

By: Nicole Yorio Jurick

Read More http://www.ivillage.com/protect-your-heart-and-your-figure-snack-pistachios-not-pretzels/4-b-396477#ixzz1d9MTRDyQ

Friday, November 11, 2011

To Lower Cholesterol Levels: Top Your Sandwich with Avocado instead of Mayo

The green fruit will give you the creamy texture you crave, plus lots of other good stuff. “Avocados are high in omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to boost heart heath and brain function and reduce inflammation,” Forberg says. And even though they’re high in fat, it’s the good monounsaturated fat, which actually lowers cholesterol. In one Mexican study, 45 people who ate avocados for a week saw a 17 percent drop in bad cholesterol and a boost in good cholesterol.

Serve it up: Add ½ chopped avocado to a corn and tomato salad; top a turkey burger with ¼ cup of guacamole; or slice a quarter of an avocado onto your sandwich, then take a big heart-healthy bite.

By: Nicole Yorio Jurick

Read More http://www.ivillage.com/protect-your-heart-and-your-figure-snack-pistachios-not-pretzels/4-b-396477#ixzz1d9MTRDyQ

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

To Protect Your Heart and Your Figure. Snack on Pistachios not Pretzels

If you’re craving a snack that’s salty and crunchy, reach for the little green nuts. Eating 1.5 ounces of nuts a day may reduce the risk of heart disease, says Jackie Newgent, registered dietitian and author of The Big Green Cookbook. Those heart healthy benefits are due to the monounsaturated fats in the nuts, which lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol. If you’re watching the scale, know that pistachio eaters lost more weight than those who snacked on pretzels, a study from UCLA found. “The work that’s required to shell a pistachio makes it harder to munch mindlessly, Newgent says. And unlike carb-rich pretzels, pistachios contain filling fiber, protein, and energy-boosting B6 to keep you satisfied for longer.

Serve it Up: Place 30 pistachios in a baggie for a 100-calorie snack, then store at your desk, in your purse, or in your glove 

compartment for the next time your tummy rumbles.
By: Nicole Yorio Jurick

Read More http://www.ivillage.com/protect-your-heart-and-your-figure-snack-pistachios-not-pretzels/4-b-396477#ixzz1d9MTRDyQ

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fountain of Youth?

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A new anti-ageing discovery could affect everything from
wrinkles and sagging to Alzheimers….
Mayo Clinic Research Article:
8 Foods that Boost Immunity and could lead to the Fountain of Youth!