Monday, November 14, 2011

Reduce Your Lung Cancer by Picking Red Peppers over Yellow or Green

Reach for peppers with a rosy hue: “Red peppers have three times more fiber and eight times more vitamin A than yellow peppers, plus 60 percent more vitamin C than green ones,” says Tonia Reinhard, program director of the Department of Dietetics at Wayne State University in Detroit and author of Superfoods. And unlike the other varieties, red peppers contain the cartenoid beta-cryptoxanthin: People who eat a diet rich in cryptoxanthin-containing foods have a 27 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer, according to a study published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention.

Serve it up: Aim for four servings a week. Slice one red pepper and dip into hummus, or roast and add to sandwiches, pasta dishes, salads or pizza.

By: Nicole Yorio Jurick

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